Terra Friedrichs

& her local work in
Acton, Massachusetts

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Please VOTE!

Terra Friedrichs
for Acton Board of Selectmen


Dear Voters,

My name is Terra Friedrichs. I'm running for Board of Selectmen in Acton.
Please vote for Terra Friedrichs on March 27th.

This upcoming election is very important. It may very well be the single most important issue in the town’s history. The issue is "water". Overdevelopment and water.

If we don't make serious change, Acton is NOT sustainable.

When I served on the Board of Selectmen from 2008 to 2011, I learned a great deal. In particular, I learned what the Selectman can and can't do.

And I know how many votes it takes. I hope voters focus on the decisions that have NOT been made already.

While no one can anticipate all of the issues that may come before the Selectmen in the coming years, right now, I believe this election is about only one issue.


Why is water the key issue that matters?

In the foreseeable future there is already a majority of votes supporting an established position. Whether it's to support the schools, build a new fire station, advocate for town services...there are already a majority of supporting votes on the Board of Selectmen.

There is only one issue that is undecided.


You can count on me to vote to protect our increasingly crucial water rights, as well as our right to healthy food, clean water, and decent housing for the most vulnerable among us.

Now, we must mobilize to protect our precious water supply.

This election will determine a major direction as to whether Acton will have enough water for the needs of its population.

Please let that sink in.

This election is about ensuring Acton has enough water. [slide to the right]

The current Board of Selectmen are proposing that we give up our rights to Nagog Pond for 20-25 years (we'll know the specifics at Town Meeting). My opponent is supporting this.

Further, the future of Acton’s water supply lies in the approval of special permits and the establishment of policy with regard to building.

The Board of Selectmen must get serious about protecting our rights to the disposition of Nagog Pond water.

Please help me become a strong voice for YOUR water!

Please vote for me, Terra Friedrichs. I have the skills and the courage when we need it the most.


Terra Friedrichs
978 808 7173

Thank you for visiting my election page! 
Please click on the "Issues" button above to see if I've already written about "your" issue. If your issue is not covered, please contact me, and ask how I feel about your issue...


978 808 7173

Terra has a deep knowledge of the issues our town is facing, the people with whom she works and collaborates, the processes to evaluate changes and then implement them, and the town financials (down to the last excruciating detail). With this understanding, she dedicatedly works to educate, activate and protect her constituents.

In a time of economic uncertainty and change, Acton needs a powerhouse with in-depth knowledge of the challenges we must face, the opportunities we must sieze and the will to persevere in leading us. As she has shown through her first term as Selectman,Terra is just such a person.

For more information about Terra's positions, please access the list of Issues & Positions from the tab above.


Polling Locations: http://ma-acton.civicplus.com/DocumentView.aspx?DID=127

To find out which polling location you should use, please call the Town Clerk (978) 929-6620.





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