Official Acton Town Committees on which I've served:
Member, Board of Selectmen (BoS)
Member, Finance Committee Cost Savings Subcommittee
Associate Member, Historic District Commission
Member, Cable Advisory Committee
Member, Community Preservation Committee
Co-Founder, Member Economic Development Committee
Committees I helped organize:
Economic Development Committee (EDC)
Design Review Board (DRB)
Green Advisory Board (GAB)
BoS Liaison to:
Economic Development Committee
Comprehensive Community Planning Committee (Phase 1 Acton 2020 Master Planning)
Design Review Board
Green Advisory Board
Commission on Disabilities
Acton Water District
Acton-Boxborough Farmer's Market
Finance Committee
Acton Historical Commission
AB Cultural Committee
Cemetery Committee
Outdoor Lighting Advisory Committee
Volunteer Coordinating Committee
With my "Liaison" groups, I was responsible for reviewing their minutes and communicating to the Board of Selectmen if there are any concerns we needed to be aware of, or that warranted action. And then, of course, there are the groups that I "followed", which means watching their agenda and minutes and going to many of their meetings. These include the Planning Board, Water Resources Advisory Committee, the WANT (sewer extension) committee, South Acton Train Station Advisory Committee, etc.
Non-Governmental Organizations:
PassMassAmendment (co-founder) effort to reduce money in politics
Green Acton (co-founder) environmental justice
350 MA MetroWest Node (planning committee) environmental justice
Peoples' Housing Board (very/extremely low income housing justice, Roxbury/Dorchester)
Assabet Valley Chapter, Green Rainbow Party (co-founder)
Village Land Planning Group (village open space town character, environmental justice)
Racial Justice for Black Lives
Lots of folks still ask about my work with international disaster relief. While I'm no longer shipping supplies long distance, I am helping nourish sharing networks, via our award winning disaster relief and social service database, which most recently focused on mutual aid community groups focused on Covid/climate/economic relief/recovery.